Gym mat, knee-high gym box, core machine
I. Single leg floor bridge. Lying on your back with legs bent, extend one leg up so that it’s in line with your body. Keep your heel about 15cm away from your bum. Supporting yourself with upper back and arms, lift your body to a bridge position. Most of your work should be coming from your glute rather than your hamstring. If this is too challenging, you can start with a double leg floor bridge. Work for 2 slow sets of 12 with no rest on both sides.
II. Cable rotations. Stand sideways to the core machine and grab the cable with both hands. Rotate your body 90 degrees, pulling the cable from a high position to your opposite hip. Your arms should be straight at the hardest point of the movement. Work for 2 medium sets of 12 with no rest on both sides.
III. Plank Take the plank position: stretch out fully face down, supporting on your bent arms and your toes, legs shoulder width apart. Lift your body up in line, bracing the core and keep looking at your arms. Hold. Do 2 sets of 1 minute with no rest.
IV. Single leg reach Stand up straight with arms and legs together. Balance on one leg, bending it slightly. With the other leg, go as far forward, sideways and back as you can. Never lose your balance. Work for 2 sets of 15 with 30 seconds of rest.
V. Step up to balance With a knee-high gym box in front of you, step up to the box with one leg and follow up with the other. Step back down, all in one slow, controlled movement. Work for 2 sets of 15.
VI. Box jump with stability. Legs slightly apart, jump up to the box, powering the jump with both legs. This exercise is all about landing stably and balancing your body, using arms for support. As you land, bend the legs to 90 degrees to cushion the impact and hold the position for 3 seconds. Work for 2 controlled sets of 6 with 45 seconds rest.
VII. Ice skaters Jump forward and land on one leg. Still on one leg, find your balance and land on the other, like you were skating. Cushion the landing by bending your leg and use your arms to balance. Work for 2 controlled sets of 6 with 45 seconds rest.
VIII. Long jump with stability Legs slightly apart, jump forward as in long jump without a run-up. Land stably, find your balance and jump again. Cushion the landing, use your arms to balance and hold for 3 seconds. Work for 2 controlled sets of 6 with 45 seconds rest.
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